
49 Game Reviews

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i ship it

the game doesn't work. :/

PaulHTML5 responds:


its a pretty fun shooter crossover, nothing new nothing terrible.

we need you to come back and make games like this, because i agree this world especially today is way to sensitive. subjects like Gender,feminism,race etc have lost it's main focus and is blown way to out of proportion. I feel people forgot what those actually mean. :D i'm glad to see some even in 2002 at least 1 person making jokes about the subject even if it had backlash a bit. everyone needs to learn what anarchy means. speak in your own way my man!! :D RESPECT

It's a alright game for a first time you should have spent more time on it.
things you should work on:
1: animations
2:Better hit detection (mainly because there were random invisible walls)
3: a better aspect ration (the game has a glitch box around it)
4: the jumping (I'm not sure if its on purpose but you can infinitely jump, if that's so why are there platforms?)
5: the controls (Instead of the A button to jump use space with arrow keys)
and lastly 6: explain the controls (it took me like 4 minutes to realize that it was the A key to jump, have a screen showing the controls to the player.)

just some reccommendations for any future games you make.
other then that the level layouts were alright, just needs alot more.

vikingsrule33 responds:

Thank you! I only had a week to work on it though.

BTW there is air jumping on purpose.

good game but why wouldn't you want get haremed?

Omg the memories, I used to play this game at school all the time! until they banned newgrounds, but I browsing through the site like i always do and found this!
The game has aged how ever but that's mainly because it's a old flash game. the games crude humor is classic Ng and I totally going to play it again the future, mainly the level editor.

is it messed up that i used the editor to spawn as many toads growing up? I just thought there heads exploding was really satisfying, and it still is.

I beat your fuck you mode now i need new wrists and a new keyboard lol but good game! i enjoyed it!

this is so sad, alexa play despacito
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Despacito 2 (Feat: Lil Pump) ---------------------------⚪--------◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 𝟸:𝟷𝟾 / 𝟹:𝟻𝟼 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️ ❐ ⊏⊐
I can only describe this as a meme.

Hello I'm buddhabilski a guy who makes shitty animations and art come look at my stuff please.... please, I'M STARVING!

Age 23, Male

music geek/artist


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